
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Right Purpose | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 16
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
For a moment, I want you to go back with me to the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-45) and consider the act of surrender displayed by Jesus. As our model for prayer, Jesus depicted what transpires between a surrendered life and a flesh that wants to do something else. Instead of using His freedom to find an alternate route to save the world from eternal decay and destruction, Jesus uttered in his prayer time, "Not my will God, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).
As we prepare to conclude another season of Prayer as a community, I want to encourage you to hold on to every plan you have made loosely. Sometimes we take our plans to the Lord and ask Him to bless them. I want to encourage you to go to the Lord fully surrendered with open hands and an open heart ready to receive God’s plan for this season. His plans are also accompanied by His provision and they are guaranteed to go far beyond anything that you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
for more tips, inspiration, and resources visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
#GoingThrough | #WholeSquadWinning Series (Part 3)
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
What would happen if we all came together to pool our resources, time, and energy to effect change further than we can see? Part 3 of #WholeSquadWinning we build upon cultivating a Championship Culture through our relational connections.
#WholeSquadWinning (Part 3) | Pastor Vince Thomas, Jr.
Need Prayer? Call or Text: (770) 667-4899 | Email prayer@theoutletcommunity.com
Quick Links
SHARE YOUR OUTLET STORY: http://theoutletcommunity.com/myoutletstory
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/30388381
Online Info Card: http://bit.ly/tocresponseform
Online Giving: http://www.theoutletcommunity.com/give/

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Finish Strong | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 15
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Successful people understand what it means to not only start well but also finish well. During the final week of this season of 21 Days of Prayer, you may be tempted to ease up as you get closer to the finish line. Purpose to do the contrary-intensify your focus on the promises of God. The proof of your desire is displayed within the depth of your pursuit. Eliminate small thinking and get all the more courageous in your faith for what God has promised you.
The Lord never promised a path free of opposition to your destiny. However, He has promised His always-abiding presence that guarantees victory over any opposing force. Adversity only has the power you lend to it, therefore render it powerless and an opportunity to watch God show up strong in your situation. The Christian life is a marathon. It is a race that must be run with endurance and God has committed to us His strength to make it every step of the way.'
For more information, resources, and tips visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
The Rhythm of Rest | 21 Days of Prayer
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
We can sometimes pour even when there is nothing left while lacking the ability to properly communicate our need to be poured in to. I do not believe it’s because of malicious intent or we think that we don’t need to be poured in to. I think it’s because selflessness is at the core of how we operate and don’t want to “trouble” anyone else. However, we all need to be poured into and refilled.
Find time this week is out to rest, reflect, and re-evaluate. Know that God is there as the initial person to turn to for refreshment. From there, He will lead you to other connections and/or life groups that will be instrumental in providing the life and encouragement you need to accomplish His will for your life.
For more resources, tips, and inspiration visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Soul Detox | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 13
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Just as the body goes through pain during a detoxification process to remove sugars and other toxins from the body our emotions go through pain when toxic elements are removed from our emotional ground. The pain is not actually harming you, the pain it’s helping you. The pain propels you into the process of your promotion but it’s all based on how we view through our perspective.
As the Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Such wisdom is the very foundation of a spiritually-minded science, and as of a scientifically minded spirituality. The connection here between faith and substance is no mere metaphor: God is telling us that our thoughts are real insofar as they reflect reality and manifest themselves as tangible outcomes. Advances in neuroscience have shifted the way we think about the brain in precisely this direction. Where once the brain was seen as a machine running on an indifferent cocktail of chemical reactions and instinct, we now know that our choices and reactions to everything around us affect our physical and mental health.
For more information, tips, and resources visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Triggers | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 12
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
hat other people or events are responsible for their triggers and subsequent feelings. Many have a tendency to say: “So-and-so made me angry.” “So-and-so ruined my day.” “I’d be okay if So-and-so hadn’t done such-and-such to me.” This attitude of nonresponsibility for our feelings and our actions is rampant. This too starts with early “influence learning.”
The belief that “they make me angry.” This leads to an almost automatic critical response toward anyone or anything we misperceive as being responsible for our feelings. We become experts at other-examination rather than self-examination. We must take responsibility for our current reaction to what happened in the past. Otherwise, we will forever feel like a victim.
What causes my triggers—the actual event or my reaction to the event? The answer is both. While we cannot undo what has happened, we can do something about our reaction. We can acquire skills to help us complete our relationship to the pain, disappointment, frustration, and heartache caused by what has happened. It is bad enough that horrible things happened to us. It becomes diabolical when we ourselves sustain and recreate the pain through our own memories. The problem is heightened by the fact that we were not taught the correct skills to complete the pain caused by the memories of long-ago events.
For more information, resources, and tips visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Forgiveness | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 11
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Forgiveness is what I call the “Elephant in the Prayer Room.” Have you ever wondered why in scripture forgiveness (or the lack thereof) is tied to prayer? I personally believe forgiveness is one of the greatest and most valuable acts of faith one can display.
First of all, to forgive is to act the same way God acts toward us. Forgiveness is not forgetting what happened but it’s moving forward without having a hardened heart. The question remains, “How Do I Move Forward Without a Hardened Heart?”
Let's look at the “Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor” (Reference Matthew 18:21-35). In Matthew 18:27, we see the key to moving forward without a hardened heart:
The King/Master did the following:
- Filled with Compassion
- Released the Debtor
- Forgave His Debt
Walking through forgiveness is not a one-time deal but a daily commitment to living a life free from bitterness and strengthening your awareness of how God forgives us without limits.
For more information, resources, and tips visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The Right Heart | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 10
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
When you understand you've been made in God's image and likeness that truth reveals your identity. The greater level of revelation you have on your identityreleases a great manifestation of your prosperity. Higher the level (biblical) prosperity you operate in, elevates your level of productivity.
One of the greatest hurdles of the believer is to overcome the poor image of self in the light of the finished works of Christ (Colossians 2:6-8). Religion will tell you what you are not, through a relationship with God He reveals who you really are.
What if I told you that you have yet to begin to scratch the surface of the grace of God in your life? What if I told you the only limitation in life is the lack of trust in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life? Spending time fellowshipping (prayer, reading of the Word, meditation of the Word) with the Spirit of God, He will transform us into the image of Christ.
For more information, tips, and resources visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Repentance | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 9
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Have you ever been a part of a renovation process? The actual process of renovation is not pretty at all. In fact, the area being renovated, in the initial phases, is sometimes completely unrecognizable. What keeps someone committed to seeing the entire renovation process all the way through to the end? The picture they have of the finished product.
In Romans 12:1-2, we are encouraged to renew (renovate) our minds daily. The word renew (change) comes from the greek word metanoia which means to change our mind through a mind-blowing experience. God is asking that we remain childlike in our faith for the purpose of living adaptive and agile to be able to immediately respond to the revelation God brings in our moments with Him.
Think on these things today:
- "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." - Alvin Toffler
- What are you willing to surrender for God to have greater access to you?
For more information visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
#WholeSquadWhole | #WholeSquadWinning Part 2
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
What would happen if we all came together to pool our resources, time, and energy to effect change further than we can see? Part 2 of #WholeSquadWinning we see a community come together to make sure those who do not have what they need are led to the answer - Jesus!
#WholeSquadWinning (Part 2) | Pastor Vince Thomas, Jr.
Need Prayer? Call or Text: (770) 667-4899 | Email prayer@theoutletcommunity.com
Quick Links
SHARE YOUR OUTLET STORY: http://theoutletcommunity.com/myoutletstory
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/28046204
Online Info Card: http://bit.ly/tocresponseform
Online Giving: http://www.theoutletcommunity.com/give/