
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
The Right Form in Prayer | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 8
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
There is a way to live a relaxed, unhurried, contented life in Jesus amid the pressures and difficulties of life. There is a way to mature spiritually anchored in the love of God. There is a way to remain thoughtful when triggered in conversations and to listen for God’s voice in those experiences. There is a way to surrender to God’s love and will when we are tempted to lash out or be judgmental—even when it is difficult. There is a way to give our lives in service to others without becoming chronically exhausted. There is a way to pray being fully present and in the moment without drifting away into other thoughts.
The answer lies in maintaining the right form in prayer. This includes, but is not limited to, intentionally rearranging our days to routinely integrate the Christian practice of being still and silent in God’s presence. Quiet the noise today and focus on God's love for you.
For more tips and information visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days.

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
The Pace of Peace | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 7
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Peace is not the absence of pain but the promise of His presence no matter what pain we experience.
Peace is calm confidence in the finished works of Christ-not the absence of problems. The quality of your life is not determined by what happens to you, but rather is determined by how you respond in the midst of life happening. We cannot have peace around us until there is peace within us. When there is peace within us, we are not moved with what's happening around us.
The key to manifesting Peace is to develop a consistent Word and Prayer Time. Here are some questions to consider:
- Identify what angers, irritates you, and ask yourself the honest question of why?
- Examine your daily routine: Am I being active or am I being productive? Do my most important relationships getting my full attention or am I constantly doing other things? Am I present and in the moment?
- Am I taking at least 24 hours a week to break from what I am doing for a living to pause and reflect on God's goodness?
For more tips, inspiration, and resources visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Father Wounds | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 6
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
The name "Father" has many meanings depending on the family of origin you come from. Whether your relationship with your father was an enjoyable one or even non-existent, the relationship with your natural father influences your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Regardless as to how your relationship was with your natural father (or lack thereof), I want you to go to your Heavenly Father in your prayer time today knowing you as His child. God has no adult children. A natural child in a loving home, from experience, understands whatever they need (internally and externally) is provided. How much more does your Heavenly Father care for you?
For more information, tips, and resources visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Keeping the Pace Through the Pain | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 5
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Pain is not the admission of weakness but the reality of your humanity. Resilient people are able to move forward with a pure heart even when it hurts. As you increase your capacity to feel and process the pains that come from the losses and disappointments in life, you are able to increase the trajectory of your destiny. You and God are a majority. You’ve got this!
For more tips, resources, and information visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Progress, Not Perfection | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 4
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
“Perfect” can be the enemy of “good.” One of the biggest myths we all face from time to time is only flawless performance is acceptable. In prayer (and life for that matter), it's important to celebrate the "small wins." If you wait until something spectacular to appreciate the work God has done in you, you will miss the beautiful journey He is taking you on right now.
For more tips, resources, and inspiration visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
The Trap of Comparison | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 3
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
The only way to lose the miracle of something great is to compare it to something else. Allow contentment to keep you from falling into the trap of comparison.
Combating Comparison starts with:
- Focusing on God’s Covenant and Character: God’s love and promises that He made concerning you.
- Reminding yourself of God's love for you: He loves you too much to leave you where you are! He Is a God of His Word and His word toward you will not return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11).
For more tips, resources, and inspiration visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Monday Aug 03, 2020
The Right Pace of Prayer | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 2
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Before you start your day in prayer, there is one thing we want you to keep in mind - keeping pace with the rhythm of grace. Knowing how much God loves you serves as the foundation of a vibrant prayer life. The love of God is not only the "diving board" to exciting prayer but also the pool we "swim" in to live the life you were created to live.
For more tips, resources, and inspiration visit www.theoutletcommunity.com/21days

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Let's Get Started | 21 Days of Prayer: Day 1
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
I am more convinced than ever before you are destined for greatness. For the next three weeks, we are going to spend time unfolding the plan of God in this season of your life.
God in His compassion for you has released His Spirit and He is waiting to speak life to every part of your life. Purpose in this season to keep open hands and an open heart to everything the Lord wants to speak to you during this time.
We are here to walk alongside you during this time of prayer. We will be resourcing you with the following:
Daily Emails with Tips and Inspiration
The Master's Class on Prayer: Strategies for Effective Prayer
Recharge Prayer on Sundays
Weekly Online Gatherings

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
What would happen if we all came together to pool our resources, time, and energy to effect change further than we can see? Part 1 of #WholeSquadWinning puts our responsibility to have concern for others starting with our own sphere of influence and expanding into the world around us.
#WholeSquadWinning (Part 1) | Pastor Vince Thomas, Jr.
Need Prayer? Call or Text: (770) 667-4899 | Email prayer@theoutletcommunity.com
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SHARE YOUR OUTLET STORY: http://theoutletcommunity.com/myoutletstory
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/28046204
Online Info Card: http://bit.ly/tocresponseform
Online Giving: http://www.theoutletcommunity.com/give/

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
It’s In the Action | Abandoning Religion Series Finale
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
In times of reflection, it is important to ask: What is God trying to drive out of my life, disrupt (change) in my life, or stop in my life?
Abandoning Religion Series Finale | Pastor Vince Thomas, Jr.
Need Prayer? Call or Text: (770) 667-4899 | Email prayer@theoutletcommunity.com
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Sermon Notes:
Online Info Card: http://bit.ly/tocresponseform
Online Giving: http://www.theoutletcommunity.com/give/